Thursday, December 27, 2007

AGU (American Geophysical Union) 2007

The American Geophysical Union conference takes place in the sunny city of San Francisco every year shortly before Christmas. Around 10 000 people from all around the world come to present their research projects focusing on issues in geography, geology, space engineering, hydrology, biogeoscience, atmspheric science etc. I also was lucky enough this year to participate in this enormous event. I would like to encourage young scientist from all around the world to search for a way how to come and present their research. They might be surprised by the new suggestions, ideas, critics and more importantly by the oppurtunities, which can this conference bring them. So dont hesitate and go to to check the past conference. It was the Nobel Prize winner Al Gore who brought a further attention to this conference when presenting one of his talks on Global Warming last year.

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