Monday, October 13, 2008
Picasa web download
Have you ever wanted to download all these pictures from Picasa web at once with full resolution and figured out that DownThemAll is not gonna work? Then I would like to forward you to following website:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Experience of Mukuyuni II
This is not about me in
(I was listening to music of Ayub Ogada while writing these lines)
____________________________I woke up early to a new village. Yes, Mukuyuni seemed rather different during the day. Everybody was already awake, the smoke was coming from the kitchen's window, kids were running around, the bright blue sky was welcoming us and the new day. Finally, I got to see where we arrived yesterday. The village is situated on nicely rolling hills covered with relatively dense vegetation with some beautiful views on the neighboring hills and villages. And yes, I finally got to meet the grandmother, we talked a bit before other people appeared, I tried to use my very limited Swahili skills. Mutysia came after few minutes telling me that his grandma only speaks Akamba language,.. ups.
The local fertile soil is utilized mostly for crops; corn and coffee. Coffee can be sold to a local farmer market society that further sells it to
Mukuyuni lucks running water and electricity as majority of the neighboring villages. The problem is often connected with the distribution of money from the province capital –Machakos. Only limited amount of money makes it here and thus the development is limited. Mutysia is the pioneer with visions and with excellent communication skills. Thanks to his achievements the electricity will be installed in only few weeks. While showing me his house he introduced some of his future plans: “Once the electricity is here, I will establish a small library in this part of the house, here there will be a computer with internet access, here books, here place to relax. I plan to invite more tourists over, they will be staying here inside or camping outside, experiencing the daily Kenyan life in the country.”
Tips for travelers:
Generosity: Mutysia was extremely generous, starting the first days he was offering trips, recommending where to go, what to eat, driving me around to his village, introducing me his friends and local traditions. It’s important to say that Mutysia was not the only person with such a generous behavior who I met in
A friend of mine helped me to find the right answer. Kenyans are proud on their country, extremely proud and it’s a pleasure for them to introduce it in the most spectacular way. They also know that tourism brings a large proportion of money into Kenyan budget. Last but not least: walking on the streets with mzungu brings person respect among friends.
A trip to the Thuy rock at the edge of the Yatta Plattao followed with amazing views on the never-ending savanna with small farmer fields. Only in few hours we were driving back
So, this was my intense village experience, and this all after only 5 days in
Monday, September 22, 2008
Experience of Mukuyuni village, Kenya
Picture: Mutysia at his coffee farm
Following day Mutysia suggested to visit his family in Mukuyuni, a tiny village in the Machakos region, about 60 km southeast from
NOTE: Akamba is the fourth largest tribe in
It was extremely dark when we arrived to Mukuyuni. First, we stopped in the restaurant of Mutisia’s sister in law. Try to imagine a small village (maybe 200 people), totally abandoned in darkness of south central Kenya
Mutysia explained to me earlier that this is very sad time for the village. Several people died only recently and today all adult man from the village are suppose to meet and discuss the arrangements of the burial. One hour later we already drove to a small house of Mutysia’s relatives and the meeting began. Although women never participate in similar meetings, being a white tourist I was given an exception. Chief of the village, me and 14 other Akamba local man sit for following one hour around a fireplace, 13 of us discussing arrangements for the burial in Kikamba, me - being fascinated by the situation I got into. After the meeting we followed to Mutysia’s home. Here, I got to know the entire Mutisia's family. His wife, father, mum, brothers, and Mutisia's incredible active and happy younger sun. The oldest member of the family, Mutysia's grandmother was already asleep. I hope to meet her tomorrow.
Picture: Yatta Plateau
After a short chat with the entire family, we broke away to go to sleep. I was given a room in the house of Mutysia's parents. Who has ever traveled alone far from his/her country knows that the dark evenings and the waiting to fall asleep in unknown home can get pretty sad, lonely and maybe little scary. Thanks for the excellent Kenyan network, at least I could exchange few sms with my best friend Gabca who just recently spend 1 year in Kongo and knew what feelings can one get.
“A morning in Mukuyuni is coming soon…”
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Kenya 2008: in Nairobi
Tip for travelers: I like walking, that’s my ordinary way of exploring new cities. Walking in
I would highly advice to take it easy at the beginning, walk only short distances, use buses, don’t try to reach more then 2-3 attractions a day (traffic jams are unexpectable) and try to find time to stop once in the while and look around, follow the flow of people and cars coming and heading to …somewhere, stop in the store and spend some time talking with locals, you may learn a lot, but.. don’t believe them everything, you may hear another “true” right in the next stall J.
When your feet hurt, it’s time to search for public transportation. Actually.. the transportation searches for you in
Tip for travelers: make sure to ask more people where the bus is going. Quite often the answer “yes” to your question “are you going to Westlands?” may just be the simplest solution for the driver. Eventually you may finish up at the most eastern part of the town.
Since many Kenyans prefer noisy and colorful matatus the drivers often come up with small improvisations that make their Nissan or
Monday, July 28, 2008
Jambo rafiki - My trip to Kenya
Mili příbuzní, přátelé,
mnozi z Vas jiz vi o mé cestě na rovnik, cestě objevující Keňu. V téhle, kontrasty naplněné zemi, jsem stravili tři týdny. Tři týdny, které se mi pořád prohánějí hlavou.
Mým hlavním poselstvím bylo reprezentovat TU WIEN -mého zaměstnavatele, na workshopu SWALIMu FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) - organizace studijící hospodaření s vodními zdroji v Somálsku.
Po workshopu jsem se nicméně rozhodla strávit další dva týdny cestovaním, objevováním neznámých končin a seznamováním s lidmi. Po dobu cesty jsem si psala deník. Z něho Vám budu průběžně sdělovat úryvky a přikládat fotografie. Historkz budou veselé i smutné, povzbuzující i odrazující.. Sama jsem z toho všeho ještě jelen, třeba my pomůžete leccos vysvětlit.
Tak se zatím mějte a buďte prosím trpěliví. Všechny Vás zdraví, Macek
Hello my friends,
as most of you already know I have been traveling in Kenya until last week. I was lucky to spend in this, on contrasts very rich, country, 3 full weeks. These weeks are sitting deep in my mind .
I went to Kenya to represent our institution at FAO's SWALIM workshop (Somalia Water and Land Information Management). In addition, I decided to stay for 2 more weeks and explore the natural beauties of this country and get to know about the regular life of Kenyans.
I will be posting some small stories from my trip that stayed in my mind or that I managed to record into my diary. I keep thinking about many things from my time in Kenya. A lot of those I still do not fully understand. The question is if an European actually can understand...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Vienna City Marathon 2008
Vivat also to the first men and women who got to Heldenlatz and succesfull finished the entire marathon. Especially to the Kenyan - Abel Kirui, the winner of todays marathon! This guy just finished 42 km in 2 hours and seven minuts and he is still smiling!!
Abel, I adore you, you were twice faster then me (and I run half of what you did)!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Navsteva maminky a tatinka Buricovych v Jiznich Cechach - The visit in south Bohemia
Taky jsme si udelali cvicnou vypravu - 3 hodinovou vychazku s 3-mesicnim Krystufkem. A vsechno zcela v pohode. Jen jsme parkrat zastavili, kdyz si Krystof rekl o trosku mlika. Tak rodinkou trenuje, dalsi tura bude v Alpach. Mam slibeno nosit Krystufka. Doufem, ze neporoste takovym tempem jako dosud :-( To abych trenovala trochu vic.
Mimochodem, tak nejak jako na vasi spolecny fotce si predstavuju Marii s Josefem, jenom se musi Milos trochu vic opalovat. No a Gabco, vam to taky strasne sluselo.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Lets visit Glen Nevis and Ben Nevis
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Impressions from Skye
It was March. Expectable for locals (but not for us :-)), the snow was at the 300m level, when we reached the Island of Skye. We found a cozy hostel which I would like to recommend here: with breathtaking views on the mainland (if you wait until the clouds fly open). The landlord owns Eriskay Ponies. These are a special breed of ponies from the Island of Eriskay. Only a limited number of this breed exist worldwide. Believe me, it is a ferry tail feeling waking up and having these horses run in front of your window.
The weather got crazy as soon as we put away our things. The following two pictures show the view from the hostel's with just a few minute difference. When we woke up the following morning.. the snow was surrounding the hostel. We figured out that hiking on Skye will be an adventure :-)
Friday, April 04, 2008
The Cullin mountains on the island of Skye (Hebrid Islands)
the Cullin mountains.
Looking on the topographic map you may get the same wrong impression as I did.. "There should be no problem in defeating these small hills that are not more than 900 m high." I actually planned a hike for our "LOCH" expedition that would reach one of the tops on the southern part.
However, here is the 101 Geology about Cullins:
Cullin mountains are part of the Inner Hebrides and are a reminder of the time when volcanoes dominated western part of Scotland (The same time when Scotland separated from the North America). Since that time much changed. The repeated appearance and disappearance of glaciers caused the landscape to get the real 'Alpine' look. Also, caused by the much softer sediments underneath the old lava massive landslides unique for the entire Britain may occur. ..
.. You probably already got my point.. Cullins are not going to joke with you.
When we reached Cullin mountains it was about 0 Celsius, the weather forecast estimated -23 against wind at the 900 m elevation, the person at the information center just crossed himself when we asked about some advice for hikes.. However, we (or I ?) did not give up. When I think back, I am glad I was pushy and we could make these walks.
Here are examples of the way we saw landscape those days. The weather changed every 10 minutes.
Second day we only did a hike in 2. Cecilia left and Jens took day off :-) The weather was just great and the 9 hour hike was worth just having this amazing view.
.. But believe me.. its much nicer watching these pictures from the warm of my bed..